Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome, 2012!

Hello All!

Happy 2012!  I, for one, had a wonderful 2011.  It was full of love and happiness - lots of weddings and babies.  My wedding was a true highlight, it was such a wonderful day.  The rest of the year has included traveling, seeing so many friends (many I haven't seen in forever), celebrating lots of couples I love and meeting lots of new babies that I also love.  2011 has also seen a lot of tragedy throughout the world - many natural disasters and sadness.  I am excited to be ringing in the new year and hope that 2012 brings all of us more than we expect.

As we all know, this is the time of year when people make lots of resolutions, many of which are impossible to keep, setting themselves up for failure.  I have done it time and time again.  Every single year on this day I swear to myself that this will be the year I will get my eating under control.  This will be the year I lose lots of weight and finally wear tank tops and bathing suits all summer long!  It has never happened that way.  Not even once.  So why continue to do it?  Isn't that one of the definitions of insanity - doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results?  I think I heard that on a diet infomercial once.  Well, insanity no more.

This new year I am not setting big ol' goals I can't meet.  I just want to be happy with myself, the decisions I make and the things I am able to do.  I read somewhere that instead of looking back at all of things I didn't accomplish in the past year, look at the things I did.  I married the best guy ever.  I had a lot of fun with friends and family.  I sang.  I ran a 5k!  I ran a 5k!!  I made healthy decisions.  I made unhealthy decisions but I didn't let them snowball.  I was happy a lot of the time.  I did good things in my job.  I had a good year.

This year I am planning on doing small things that won't completely disrupt my life and set me up to fail, but instead can fit in in ways that are positive and good.  If they stick, if big results come from them, excellent.  If not, that's ok.  There's always next week, and that is not a failure.

Week 1 was great.  It was not too hard since I was on break from school and had all day long to exercise or go to the gym.  Here's a recap:

Monday - I did 30 minutes of videos on Demand, some cardio dancing videos
Tuesday - I went to Zumba in the morning.  I LOVE Zumba.  It rocks my world.
Wednesday - I went for a 4 mile run (with some walking)
Thursday - I missed Zumba so instead Mike and I walked to the high school and "played" tennis for about 35-40 minutes.  Needless to say, it was a lot of running around, trying to catch the ball.
Friday - I went to Zumba.  It was awesome.
Saturday - I went for a 3 mile run.

Not bad.  I am excited to find those On Demand videos for days when I don't feel like going to the gym or for a run.  I can do some belly dancing in my living room.

How was your week 1?

Stay tuned tomorrow for Week 2's goal.

Happy 2012!  It's going to be awesome.  I can feel it.

1 comment:

  1. I giggled at the "played" tennis day! I think Shaun and I trying to play tennis would result in about the same...except no way would he last 30+ minutes! It would be me hitting the ball against the fence after about 10. Hahaha! Belly dancing!! I haven't gotten the guts up yet to check those videos out...
