Since moving to California two and a half years ago, I have been slowly, and sometimes unconsciously, making changes in my life in hopes of being more healthy, more mindful, more balanced. A lot of it comes from my surroundings. Here in Northern California, being "healthy" is easier. Being active and being outdoors is not only possible year round, it is a part of life. Everyone spends time outside, walking, biking, hiking etc. Food is so fresh here, making it easier to eat fruits and veggies year round. It is part of the culture here to be mindful of your health, body, friendships, love, work and taking time for yourself. These are some of the wonderful perks of living in this area.
Another part of it is just me getting older. I am in my 30s now, married, with a steady career (yikes), and we are hoping to have children and own a home someday soon. I am not to total adulthood yet though, I don't own any appliances (specifically a washer and dryer).
So with all of this, and as the new year approaches, I find myself making goals of how to lead a healthier life. I don't just mean with diet and exercise, although those are certainly a part of it, I also mean hobbies (reading, cooking, art, knitting, singing), nurturing relationships, being spiritual, traveling and perhaps most importantly becoming better at loving myself. I have never been very good at that last part but now as my life evolves to loving my husband and any future children, it seems more important to get better at that, in order to truly love them.
Ok, so here's the plan. A friend of mine, who has been particularly amazing at setting goals and sticking to them, had the idea of setting one goal each week in hopes of making some healthy life changes. I am taking her challenge and perhaps even adding a few extra things for just me.
Enough suspense. The goal for week one is...
doing a 30 minute instructional workout class or video everyday. I can do that! However, I am also planning on doing a 10k in March so I need to start working towards that.
Here's my plan for the week:
Sunday - Christmas, Joining weekly challenge idea
Monday - 30 minutes of videos from Comcast (done! I did Cardio Funk and Cardio Hip Hop. Kind of fun)
Tuesday - Zumba (60 minutes) at my gym
Wednesday - run 3 miles
Thursday - Zumba at my gym (60 minutes)
Friday - day off
Saturday - videos from Comcast or Netflix/ run 3 miles
Don't hesitate to give me feedback. I'll let you know how I did (that whole accountability thing).
Love love love this, Lady. It's beautiful and inspiring. I'm excited to follow along, and maybe even to join you when I can! LOVEEEEEE.
ReplyDeleteI think this is a brilliant idea. It makes me wish I lived in Northern CA to hear about all of the healthful ways of being one sort of can 'fall into' there. Pittsburgh is just about the full-on opposite, but that doesn't mean I have to live up to that!
I have not exercised regularly in about two years, and doing a cardiac video every day sounds very intimidating to me. One of my own personal goals/challenges is to finish things I start. To keep up with commitments and stick with things. That has always been a huge thing for me, and I would like to set my own goals (or maybe just one) for this year. My most important goal this year is to stay sober. That feels like a full-time job at times, well, actually all the time, so I am trying to just stay grounded in that one goal and branch out once I have that year under my belt.
So, in so far as my goal is concerned, I celebrated one month of sobriety on December 13th. Here's to 11 more months *and then some:) ....
With love, Kate
I love the idea, Em, and I totally applaud you for doing this!! I totally hear you on learning to love yourself... that's the biggest lesson I took from going to yoga school - that COMPASSIONATE self-awareness is really the most important thing. Learning that you are AMAZING exactly as you are, in this moment, exactly as it is. =) (And girl, YOU ARE, and always have been!) I love you lots and lots. Please follow my blog, too!